Hosting Glossary

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5 results for "$s/dkim-domainkeys-identified-mail"

DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail)


DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) — is a technology which combines few methods of antispam and antiphishing in order to increase the quality of classification and identification of legitimate emails. It confirms the identity of sender through a digital signature — the hidden code inside email content. So receiver will be sure, that the email is sent by you

DNS resource records


DNS server, which is responsible for host names in its zone, must keep hosts’ data in database and give it for requests of other devices. DNS database is text file, which consists of RR records (resource records). These records describe computers and their functions in a domain zone. To start data exchange with remote DNS servers, the DNS server soft must be launched (it’s usually ‘named’

MX record


MX (mail exchanger) record is mail DNS record which is used for email routing in Internet. MX record of a certain domain contains the name of a mail server, that services this domain, and the serial number of its server (priority number is used if the domain services few mail servers).

DNS (Domain Name System)


What is DNS? DNS (Domain Name System) — is a hierarchical and decentralized naming system. It associates various information with domain names assigned to each of the participating entities and allows to identify their IP addresses. A hierarchical system is evident in the domain address structure. Each of address components divided by dots is correspond to a domain (or a zone)

DNS сервер


What DNS server is and how it works? If DNS is a hierarchical and decentralized naming system, which contains data about server names (hosts) and allows to identify their IP addresses, than DNS server as a component of it is a software and hardware system, which contains necessary data about domain and provides it upon request in accordance with technical network requirements.