Hosting Glossary

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Hosting is a service which include providing of disc space for placing physical data on server that has permanent access to the Internet.

Hosting traffic


Hosting traffic is an amount of information transferred through network per unit of time. There are outgoing and incoming traffic. When somebody visits your website or requests files, it’s incoming traffic towards the user and outgoing towards the server. Month traffic is the sum of incoming and outgoing traffic.

DNS resource records


DNS server, which is responsible for host names in its zone, must keep hosts’ data in database and give it for requests of other devices. DNS database is text file, which consists of RR records (resource records). These records describe computers and their functions in a domain zone. To start data exchange with remote DNS servers, the DNS server soft must be launched (it’s usually ‘named’



Tracert is a computer service program intended to define data route in TCP/IP networks. This program provides data sending to a certain host, showing information about all intermediate routers through which the data goes through on the way to the target host. It there are some problems with data delivering to a certain host, the program allows to define where the problem is.

DNS domain zone file


DNS server which is responsible for hosts name in its zone, must keep data about hosts in database and provide it by request from remote computers. DNS database is textual file, which consists of RR records. These records describe computers and their functions in local zone. To conduct data exchange with remote servers, the DNS server software (it’s usually a ‘named’ program) must be launched.



Ping is a special subsidiary program for checking an network resources accessibility. Ping program is one of the diagnostic means in TCP/IP networks. Ping command sends a data packet of certain size to defined host, and then it comes back. When command is launched, the delay value is checked. The time between request sending and receiving an answer checks connection on IP protocol level with

IP address


IP address or Internet Protocol Address is a unique address of host or computer network, which is built on TCP/IP protocols. There are two types of these protocols: IPv4 and IPv6. IP address record of A-type is a record of a four groups of four numbers from 0 to 255 divided by dots. For example,



Apache is web server type which is able to maintain work with more than one operating system. It supports the next OS: Linux, BSD, Mac OS, Microsoft Windows, Novell NetWare, BeOS. The main preferences of Apache are considered to be its reliability and flexibility of configuration. It allows to plug external modules for reporting data, use DBMS for user identification, modify messages about

DNS сервер


What DNS server is and how it works? If DNS is a hierarchical and decentralized naming system, which contains data about server names (hosts) and allows to identify their IP addresses, than DNS server as a component of it is a software and hardware system, which contains necessary data about domain and provides it upon request in accordance with technical network requirements.