Hosting Glossary

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7 results for "transfer"

Domain name transfer


Domain name transfer is a service that allows you to transfer your domain from one registrar to another in accordance to the procedure of changing your registrar.

FTP (File Transfer Protocol)


FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a protocol for transfer files across the network. It’s one of the base transfer protocols intended for file exchange between computers across the network. With its help it’s possible to connect to FTP servers, look through directories content, and download or upload files on and from server.

HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure)


HTTPS protocol (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure) is a continuation of HTTP protocol for supporting secure data exchange. It allows client and server to provide encrypted communication channel and to send messages by this channel with protection from bugging. Supports TLS/SSL encryption technology.

Network capacity


Network capacity is the maximum allowed speed of data transfer through channel or system. It’s measured in bits per second (bps) and shows the maximum amount of information that can be transferred or received per unit of time.

DNS resource records


DNS server, which is responsible for host names in its zone, must keep hosts’ data in database and give it for requests of other devices. DNS database is text file, which consists of RR records (resource records). These records describe computers and their functions in a domain zone. To start data exchange with remote DNS servers, the DNS server soft must be launched (it’s usually ‘named’

SSH client


SSH client is used for access to remote machine and execute commands on it. (SSH — “secure shell” — is network protocol that allows to connect to a remote operation system and tunneling TCP connections (for example, for files transfer)).

Hosting traffic


Hosting traffic is an amount of information transferred through network per unit of time. There are outgoing and incoming traffic. When somebody visits your website or requests files, it’s incoming traffic towards the user and outgoing towards the server. Month traffic is the sum of incoming and outgoing traffic.