Use the installation wizard if you don’t want to deal with technical details.
Step 2. Download the latest version of Joomla distribution package.
Step 3. Load all received files to root directory of your website.
Joomla installation
Step 4. Open your domain link in a new tab and fill in website configuration.
Select language — take the default of select yours
Site name — enter your website name
Description — enter your website description. The optimum length is 20 words.
Admin email — enter an email address for account of website super administrator.
Admin username — generate a login of website super administrator
Admin password — generate a password for website super administrator account, confirm it
Press ‘Next’
Step 5. Database configuration
Database type — take by default
Host name — take by default
Username — enter the database user name, generated in step 1
Password — enter the password of database user name, generated in step 1
Database name — enter the database name, generated in step 1
Table prefix — specify table prefixes or use automatically generated ones. A recommended length is 3-4 symbols (latin letters and digits) and an underline character in the end.
Press ‘Next’
Step 6. Installation completion
Install sample data — it’s recommended to install sample data for new users. It will help to get through the main system functions.
Send configuration settings by email — when installation completes, all configuration will be send to your email.
Check settings of Main configuration and Database configuration.
Press ‘Install’
- Step 7. Final settings
- Step 8. Language packages installation
Joomla interface is available in different languages. Just check necessary languages and continue installation with ‘Next’ button. Note: you need some about 10 seconds to get each package installation. We don’t recommend to select more than 3 language packages.
Step 9. Select language by default.
Multilingual — set by default if you don’t plan to create a few language versions of your website.
Default administrator language — select the one of installed languages.
Default site language — select the one of installed languages
Press ‘Next’
- Step 10. Delete the installation directory for security purposes.
Press ‘Administrator’
- Step 11. Login to the control panel with your login and password.