Step 2. Download the latest version of MODX distribution package.
Step 3. Load all received files to root directory of your website.
MODX installation
- Step 4. Run the installation
Start the installation after files downloading and database creation. Enter, in browser address bar, where ‘’ is your website address. Select the system language.
Press ‘Select’
- Step 5. Skip the start page by pressing ‘Next’
- Step 6. Settings
On this stage you are able to select the type of installation. Select ‘New installation’, because you make a new website.
Press ‘Next’
Step 7. Specify database settings
Database type — keep it by default.
Database host — keep ‘localhost’ setting.
Database login name
Database password
Database name
Table prefix — keep by default or set yours.
Press ‘Test database server connection and view collations’ to make sure that data is correct.
- Step 8. Database creation
If the test is successful, press ‘Create or test selection of your database’.
Step 9. Enter website admin data.
Administrator username
Administrator email
Administrator password
Confirm password
Press ‘Next’
- Step 10. Installation report
At this stage you will get results of pre-installation checks
Press ‘Install’
- Step 11. Read the installation report.
Press ‘Next’
- Step 12. Delete the setup directory and files.
Make sure that this point is checked.
Press ‘Login’
- Step 13. Login to the MODX admin panel with your login.